LinkedIn recruitment ads service

LinkedIn Funnel

In today’s competitive job market, attracting top talent is crucial for business success.

Identifying top talent for your organization can be a challenging. However, as a hiring manager, recruiter, or business owner, you can use LinkedIn recruitment ads to simplify your recruitment process, expand your candidate pool, and differentiate your company in a crowded job market.

At Mojo Dojo, we specialize in helping companies like yours streamline their recruitment process and attract high-quality candidates with our expert LinkedIn recruitment ads management service.

Don’t confuse these ads with the job ads you see on LinkedIn. Think of these as highly targeted LinkedIn ads to specific candidates that are hard to attract or recruit.

Why LinkedIn recruitment ads?

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network, with over 850 million users. Its recruitment ad platform offers unparalleled targeting capabilities, allowing you to reach active and passive job seekers with precision.

For example, when searching for a marketing manager, you can target individuals with “Marketing Manager” in their job title, as well as those with skills in digital marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing. Additionally, you can target companies of a specific size or industry.

Remember, while targeting options are valuable, it’s essential to remain flexible and not overly restrict your search. The ideal candidate may not tick every box, so be open to individuals with transferable skills or unique experiences that could make them an excellent fit for your team.

With LinkedIn recruitment ads, you can:

  • Target the Right Candidates: Use advanced targeting options like job title, industry, location to reach the most qualified candidates
  • Increase Brand Awareness: Showcase your company culture & values to attract top talent and build your employer brand
  • Drive Conversions: Encourage candidates to apply, visit your website, or engage with your content
  • Measure and Optimize: Track your ad performance and optimize for maximum ROI

At Mojo Dojo, our team of experts will manage your LinkedIn recruitment ads from start to finish.

Our service includes:

  • Ad Creation: Compelling ad copywriting including eye-catching visuals to grab attention.
  • Targeting Strategy: Expert targeting based on job title, industry, location.
  • Budget Optimization: Maximize your ad spend to get the most return on investment.
  • Ongoing Management: Continuous monitoring & campaign optimization for best return on ad spend.
  • Monthly Reporting: Detailed reports on ad performance including candidate engagement with ads.

We take a collaborative approach to our LinkedIn recruitment ads management service. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Discovery Session: We’ll start with a discovery session to understand your recruitment needs, target audience, and desired outcomes
  • Ad Creation: Our team will develop high-performing ad content that showcases your employer brand
  • Targeting and Budgeting: We’ll develop a targeting strategy and budget plan tailored to your needs
  • Ad Launch and Optimization: We’ll launch your ads , continuously monitor them & optimize them for maximum ROI
  • Monthly Reporting and Analysis: We’ll provide detailed reports + analysis to help you make data-driven decisions

At Mojo Dojo, we’re passionate about helping companies like yours attract top talent and drive business success. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • LinkedIn Expertise: Our team stays up-to-date with the latest LinkedIn ad platform developments
  • LinkedIn Specific Approach: Customized LinkedIn strategy just for you
  • Results-Driven: Our ads will attract the right candidates even if that means targeting a small pool of candidates
  • Get On The Phone: Talk to a LinkedIn specialist not a middle man.

We can help you run a number of ads on LinkedIn specifically for recruitment. This includes

  • Sponsored Content Ads: Native ads that appear in users’ feeds, promoting your job postings, employer brand, or company content
  • Sponsored InMail Ads: Personalized messages sent directly to candidates’ inboxes
  • Display Ads: Visual ads that appear on the LinkedIn homepage, search results, and other areas of the platform
  • Video Ads: Engaging video content that showcases your employer brand and job opportunities
  • Carousel Ads: Interactive ads that showcase multiple job openings, employer brand content, or company culture

LinkedIn Recruitment Ads Management

We run ads for Australia’s most sophisticated companies.

Wasted budgets and underwhelming management of LinkedIn ads lead to poor ROI.