SEO Audit services

Our SEO audit services identifies areas your website lacks or is failing to capture more search traffic. We will audit your website from an SEO perspective, give you a comprehensive action plan and help with implementation. Our SEO services focus on implementing the areas identified for growth.

Mojo Dojo’s SEO audit services are at no cost and are complementary for your businesses. We have seen other agencies charge as much as $3000 for the same audits.

With our SEO packages, you would also find a comprehensive timeline of implementation of our SEO audit findings and a steady path to organic traffic and authority growth.

Many businesses think of SEO as a set and forget strategy or a once off implementation. Our SEO audit report and plan will also highlight a comprehensive schedule of changes or improvements you need to make to ensure that not only you rank but stay on top over time.

We will consider a number of factors including your company age, products or services, your market and competition, your goals from the SEO project and your SEO strategy.

Our SEO audit also is followed with a plan to improve your topical relevance including helping you create a topical map for SEO to dominate your niche and competition in the organic search.

On-page SEO audit

On-page audit will include

  • Title tags, meta descriptions and other missing meta data
  • Open Graph tags and other meta tags
  • Duplicate or thin content
  • Keyword stuffing and topical relevance
  • Document outline
Technical SEO audit

This will include

  • .htaccess files and DNS prefetch or other optimizations
  • Caching setup
  • Robots.txt
  • Sitemap issues
  • HTTP headers
  • 404 and 301 redirects
  • Page speed issues
Off-page SEO audit

We will look at and provide intelligence on

  • Backlinks
  • Domain and page authority
  • Backlink quality
  • Backlink toxicity
  • Backlink topical relevance
  • Backlink placement
  • Backlink relevance
  • Backlink volume
SEO report with recommendations

We will organize the report in order of impact with the most critical being the top most things to implement or fix. The report will also cover areas like

  • Broken links
  • internal linking opportunities
  • Title tag similarities
  • Copy issues
  • Content volume and relevance
  • Topical similarities
  • Structured data or Schema issues
  • HTML validations
  • Query relevance and intent report
  • Page loading times and lighthouse report with recommendations for your CMS whether that be WordPress, Prestashop, Shopify or Magento.
  • Site hierarchy diagram
  • Crawl directed graph
  • 404 and 301 pages
  • Canonical report

Mojo Dojo is a Melbourne SEO agency that has a local presence in Brisbane, Sydney, Perth and other regional parts of Australia.

SEO Clients & Results

See some of our impressive clients & results

  • 220% increase in revenue yoy

  • 138% increase in bookings

  • 6117% increase in traffic revenue

  • 498.27% increase in leads

  • 550% increase in organic growth

  • 34% increase in organic traffic

  • 198% increase in organic traffic

  • 787.61% increase in revenue

SEO Audit

We have extensive experience driving meaningful SEO results.

Our SEO campaigns are technology agnostic.

Our SEO services cover a very wide range of subject matter expertise and geared towards businesses of all size.

Benefits of an SEO audit

SEO dream team

There are a number of benefits of performing a yearly or bi-yearly SEO audits on your site. SEO audits can usually uncover a number of issues with Google crawl budgets or Google crawler being abnormally occupied with certain sections of your website.

Some of the main benefits of SEO audits include:

  • Discover technical challenges and issues with your website that are hard to detect without an audit
  • Discover wasted crawl budgets or deleted pages that had high authority
  • Improve content including discovering canonical or duplicate content issues
  • Improve images, videos, copy and other visual elements to also improve your speed of the application
  • Optimize site hierarchy including the site structure, orphaned pages or categories and improve the overall linking of the website.