WooCommerce SEO Services
Looking for a trusted WooCommerce SEO company? You’re in the right place! Our WooCommerce SEO services are designed to help you achieve long-term success and drive sustainable growth. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your WooCommerce store.
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Our WooCommerce SEO Services
WooCommerce SEO is the process of optimizing your online store to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive more organic traffic and sales. As the most popular e-commerce platform on the web, WooCommerce presents unique SEO challenges and opportunities.
WordPress Site Speed Optimization
Slow loading times can lead to high bounce rates, low conversions, and a poor user experience. Optimize your WooCommerce site’s speed with our expert services.
We will focus on enabling caching, optimizing images, minifying and compressing assets, enabling various technologies & improving database performance.
We will also help with:
- Minify and compress CSS, JS, and HTML files
- Leverage browser caching and server-side caching
- Optimize images and videos
- Enable gzip compression
WooCommerce Technical SEO Audit
We will focus on a number of technical SEO issues including mobile-friendliness, schema markup, on page optimisation, category and tag page optimisation , product page optimisation and other query parameters fix which are commonly found with WooCommerce stores.
We will perform an extensive technical SEO audit to identify any technical challenges facing your site including:
- Ensure responsive design and layout
- Optimize content and images for mobile devices
- Add product schema markup (e.g., price, reviews, ratings)
- Use schema markup for events, articles, and other content types
- Optimize product titles, descriptions, and meta tags
- Use header tags (H1, H2, etc.) for product information
WooCommerce Specific Optimization
Optimize your WooCommerce store for search engines with our expert services including performing some WooCommerce specific store improvements:
Product page optimisation: Optimize product titles, descriptions, and meta tags for better search engine visibility.
Category and tag page optimisation: Optimize category and tag page titles, descriptions, and meta tags to attract relevant search traffic.
Schema markup for products: Add schema markup to product pages to help search engines understand product information.
Canonicalization: Ensure duplicate product pages are canonicalized to avoid duplication issues.
Link Building
By improving internal and external linking, you can increase organic traffic, boost sales, and enhance your WooCommerce store’s credibility. Our company can help you achieve these goals with our expert link building services.
We will help with a comprehensive link building strategy.
Conduct a link audit: Identify areas for improvement in your WooCommerce store’s link structure.
Develop a link building strategy: Create a customized plan to improve internal and external linking.
Content creation: Develop high-quality content that attracts links from external sites.
Outreach and promotion: Reach out to other businesses and promote your content to attract links.
Ongoing optimisation: Continuously monitor and improve your WooCommerce store’s link structure.
Over the last 15 years, Mojo Dojo has worked in over 81 different verticals, in 18 languages, and in 45 different countries, helping some of the world’s most sophisticated companies run laser targeted marketing campaigns designed for greatest revenue impact.
Mojo Dojo is an SEO company with 15+ years of experience in digital marketing. We are a local U.S. business with presence across the country. You can see our local pages including Houston SEO services, Chicago SEO services, Los Angeles SEO services, New York, San Diego, Seattle, Boston, Detroit and many other parts of the USA.