Drive more local revenue with Mojo Dojo’s local SEO services.

How do we improve your local SEO ?

Ditch the scattergun approach to local SEO and focus on what really matters – your local community.

Our expert solutions zero in on your immediate vicinity, ensuring that when nearby customers search for products or services like yours, your business appears at the top of listings.

We can help you with:

  • Create a optimised Google My Business listing
  • Create content with local citations for your GMB listing
  • Use and research local keywords including landmarks
  • Help with local content including local blogs
  • Subscribe to local business/directories
  • Help get you high quality local backlinks including council mentions
  • Improve your website metadata to target local enrichment
  • Help you get better reviews with local users
  • Improve your mobile website to target local consumers
  • Help you with local citation management including verifying and optimizing your NAP ( Name, address, phone number )
  • Implementing a very local measuring and tracking plan

Our local SEO services for local businesses also include access to reps from companies like Google, Bing, and Facebook, to improve your local listings and get a direct line to troubleshoot any issues with your local listings.

Local SEO Query

Our Local Clients & Results

  • 220% increase in revenue yoy

  • 138% increase in bookings

  • 64.83% increase in traffic

  • 41% increase in transactions

  • 41% increase in transactions

  • 1100% increase in search volume

Near me queries

image source: Think With Google

Don’t settle for a solo SEO specialist when you can have an entire team of digital marketing personnel at your disposal!

Our comprehensive local SEO plans assemble a diverse team of specialists, each bringing their unique marketing expertise to the table.

You will have access to

Unlike traditional SEO like the eCommerce SEO which focuses on driving searchability on the national or international scale, the local SEO targets “near me” and geo-specific queries.

To compete locally, you need a strong website SEO including a very strong GMB presence.

Our Local SEO expertise

Paid ads management icon

Paid Ads Management

We have a unique methodology and years or proprietary data to drive meaningful paid ads campaigns for best ROAS. We can help with

Social Media Management

We can help craft or improve your social media campaigns. We can also help generate social media ads or UGC content. We can help with

Creative services icon

Creative Services

We have years of experience with branding and other creative services. We can help with

Shopify Services

Shopify Services

We are experts in creating and managing Shopify or ShopifyPlus stores. We help with