
The main reason why you can fail at SEO is if you ignore your competitors.

The SimilarWeb Chrome extension can help you analyze your competitors’ websites.

It can also help you get detailed information about their load times, bounce rates, and traffic numbers.

With this information, you’ll be in a better position to work on your site and outrank your competitors.

SimilarWeb is backed by modern technology that helps in providing you with a bounty of worthy information.

The tool collects, then analyzes, data from many site crawlers and internet service providers.

The outstanding features of this extension include:

  • It provides instant access to the demographics of your competitors’ audience.
  • It provides information about the locations from where your competitors get the most traffic.
  • It allows you to see the strategies and statistics for any site you are interested in.
  • It’s an excellent resource for finding new search engine optimization strategies.
  • It can help you analyze different market trends.

Download Chrome extension